Home Kettlebell kettlebell goblet squat exercise video guide

kettlebell goblet squat exercise video guide

Welcome to this kettlebell goblet squat exercise tutorial. In this video, we will be showing you how to properly and safely perform a goblet squat with a kettlebell.

This exercise is great for strengthening your core, glutes, and legs, while also improving your balance and stability. We will run through the steps to properly execute this exercise, as well as discuss some of the benefits it can provide.

First, we will start by going over the proper form. Start by holding the kettlebell with both hands and extending your arms in front of your chest. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointed slightly outward. Push your hips back and lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the ground, keeping your chest and head up. Pause briefly and then push through your heels to rise back to a standing position.

The second step is to make sure you are working your core. To do this, imagine that you are trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together as you squat. This will help ensure that you engage your core, helping you to get the most out of the exercise.

Finally, be sure to keep your chest up and your back straight throughout the entire exercise. This will help you avoid any potential injury, as well as ensure that you are getting the most out of the exercise.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful in teaching you how to properly and safely perform a goblet squat with a kettlebell. By following these steps, you can strengthen your core, glutes, and legs while also improving your balance and stability.



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