Exercise library – weighted one sided crunch video

This video will show you a weighted one sided crunch exercise to help strengthen your core muscles and improve your overall fitness. This exercise is great for those who are looking to increase their core strength and stability, as well as those who are looking to challenge their balance and coordination. By using a weighted plate, you can add resistance to the exercise to further improve your strength and performance.

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a weighted plate on one side of your body and extend the other arm out to the side. Slowly crunch up, bringing the weighted plate off the floor and towards your opposite shoulder, then lower the plate back down to the starting position. Make sure you keep your core muscles engaged throughout the entire exercise and keep your lower back pressed into the floor. Remember to keep your neck in a neutral position and breathe steadily.

Repeat this exercise for 10-15 repetitions on each side for 3-4 sets. This weighted one sided crunch exercise is a great way to add variety to your core workout, and can help you achieve your fitness goals.


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