Exercise library – barbell curl video

The barbell curl is an essential exercise for building strength, size, and definition in your biceps. It is an incredibly simple yet effective exercise that helps you to build muscle and improve your overall body composition. This exercise requires only a barbell and weights, making it an ideal exercise for both home and gym workouts.

To perform a barbell curl, hold a barbell in your hands with an overhand grip. Position your hands shoulder-width apart, and keep your elbows close to your body. While keeping your core tight and your back straight, curl the barbell up until your biceps are fully contracted. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. This completes one repetition.

When performing a barbell curl, it is important to use proper form and technique. Make sure to keep your back and elbows stationary throughout the movement, and focus on using your biceps to curl the weight. Use a weight that is challenging but not too heavy, and focus on performing the exercise with a slow and controlled range of motion.

Performing barbell curls regularly is an excellent way to build strength and size in your biceps. It is also a great exercise for improving your overall body composition and fitness level. For best results, add barbell curls to your workout routine and perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.


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