Dumbbell challenge

This routine uses dumbbells and you have to complete 20 each of the following Arnold Press Alternate Hammer Curl Concentration Curls Standing Triceps Extension Pile Squat Dumbbell Front Raises Straight…

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300 abs routine

This is just a basic do various different exercises which add up to 300. Its pretty difficult, if you have a favourite that isn’t here then just substitute that in…

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3 Day workout plan

Day 1 – Back, Chest, and Abs Do three sets of 12-15 reps each. Bent over barbell row Stiff legged barbell dead lift Barbell bench press Incline dumbbell press Dumbbell…

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4 Day workout plan

Day 1 – Upper Body For the following exercises, begin with two sets of 10-12 reps each. Dumbbell press Standing barbell military press Lying tricep press Side lateral raise Preacher…

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